Features of FC2 Analyzer

Analyze visitors to your website or blog by FC2 Analyzer.

Easy! Just paste a tag. This high performance analyzer can analyze accesses from mobile phones also (Japanese mobile phone only). It's free.

See samples of FC2 Analyzer.

Click here to see FC2 Analyzer sample images.Click here to see FC2 Analyzer sample images.

Tiny Banner vanishes in 8 secs!
Just set up a small banner!
Your site design won't be ruined.
Real-time Analyzer
Real-time analysis tells you
access status immediately.
Excludes Your Own Accesses
Set your IP address to be excluded, then your own accesses won't be counted.
1Tag for Multiple Pages
Easy setting up! All you do is just paste a tag on to an HTML file.
4-Month-Long Analysis
The analytical log up to past 4 months
can be viewed.
As many as 120 pages can be analyzed.
120 pages can be analyzed! Unlimited accesses!
Neat management page
User friendly calendar and neat design make it easy for you to find what you want to see!
Click analysis available (Linked URL Analysis)
Just click! Then you get an

Let's register for FC2ID to use FC2 Analyzer!

High performance analyzerUse this free high performance analyzer right now.
